uPVC Bespoke Windows

Whatever design, shape or colour your customer is looking for, the team at Majestic Windows can help you deliver it with our uPVC Bespoke Windows. Using our cutting-edge technology, MWD Trade Frames can engineer any custom shape. From arches and ovals to triangles, our team will work closely with you to deliver a bespoke product engineered to the exact requirements and specifications of your client.

Our range of Bespoke Windows meets the same security and thermal efficiency standards as our other frames, achieving an A+ energy rating. This means our Bespoke Windows provide the very best energy efficiency rating. By working closely with the team at Majestic Windows, your business can take advantage of our decades of industry experience and expertise to provide the very best Bespoke Windows for your customers.

The very best support

Majestic Windows manufacture our range of bespoke uPVC and aluminium windows with energy efficiency, security and visually appealing aesthetics in mind. Our range of windows doors and conservatories are engineered in our state-of-the-art factories right here in Somerset and have helped our team build a region-wide reputation for exceptional craftsmanship and friendly, approachable customer service.

Majestic Windows are considered one of the most reputable and reliable trade suppliers in the South West, supplying high-quality uPVC and aluminium windows, doors and conservatories to tradespeople, installers and builders throughout the South West. When you choose Majestic Windows as your trade supplier, your business receives the very best support and customer service from our team. We’ll make sure we’re on hand, from consultation to delivery, to ensure you have every chance of winning profitable new business.

If you would like to know more about Majestic Windows or our range of uPVC and aluminium products, get in touch with our team today.

uPVC Bespoke Windows

Colour Options


Standard woodgrains

Solid colours


Majestic Windows has been engineering bespoke windows, doors and conservatories for a number of years. Our range of uPVC and aluminium products are engineered in our state-of-the-art factories right here in Somerset, where we’ve fostered a region-wide reputation for superior workmanship and approachable customer service.

If you would like any more information about our range of uPVC and aluminium windows, doors and conservatories, contact the team at Majestic Windows today.

